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From: Heiko Schröder <age@thepentagon.com>
Date: 01.12.1998, 11:20:30
Subject: Re: Refonting a whole document
> I asked my question badly. I am trying to use Types, and I have defined
> Document Title as NC_Schoolbook size 14 and Body as NC_Schoolbook size 11.
> When I try Change Type and try to change the Body type to, say, Courier
> then the Document Title changes also to Courier. The only way to change
> just the Body type seems to be to drag-select the whole body and then
> change font.
I believe, the problem is: The Title style tag is an part of the Body style tag.
If you change the Body style, so autmatically the Title style tag will be changed.
I believe you have the following tags:
Body: NC_Schoolbook size 11
Title: as Body, but size 14
You have to change your style tag to:
Title: NC_Schoolbook size 11
and then you can change the body style without changing the Title style.
I hope it helps.
Bye Heiko
"Widerstehen oder Dienen."
Alex Krycek in "Patient X"
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From: A. Gropp <arnogropp@cityweb.de>
Date: 01.12.1998, 19:15:56
Subject: Re: Refonting a whole document
Hello Peter
Betrifft Nachricht v. 30-Nov-98 Absender: Peter Mielke:
I asked my question badly. I am trying to use Types, and I have defined
>PM Document Title as NC_Schoolbook size 14 and Body as NC_Schoolbook size
>PM When I try Change Type and try to change the Body type to, say, Courier
>PM then the Document Title changes also to Courier. The only way to change
>PM just the Body type seems to be to drag-select the whole body and then
>PM change font.
Why not putting the headline into a textbox? This would enable you to
handle the styles independently.
Just an idea.
Man liest sich.
Arno Gropp, Duisburg
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From: Bruce Moi <b_moi@bc.sympatico.ca>
Date: 01.12.1998, 23:51:04
Subject: Re: Refonting a whole document
On 30-Nov-98, Peter Mielke wrote:
>DJNick <djnick@vanet.co.yu> wrote:
>>Hello Peter
>>Hmm. I don't know for better way than select whole document with
>><Right Amiga> + <A> and then change it all... Any better ideas??
>I asked my question badly. I am trying to use Types, and I have defined
>Document Title as NC_Schoolbook size 14 and Body as NC_Schoolbook size 11.
>When I try Change Type and try to change the Body type to, say, Courier
>then the Document Title changes also to Courier. The only way to change
>just the Body type seems to be to drag-select the whole body and then
>change font.
I havn't looked into changing defined Types but no one seems to have mentioned
a easy way to highlight just the exact text you want without selecting all of
the text on the page or drag selecting specific text!.
Put your cursor at the first point you want selected. Leave it there and use
your scroll side bar slider to move down (or up as the case may be) until you
see your desired end point. Now hold down the shift key and click onto the the
farthest point you want to highlight. Done!.
You could possibly use the Find comand for the end select point.Right A - f if
you knew the last word in your selection.
Sorry I couldn't help you with your real problem! Good hunting!.
Greetings from Comox,
on Vancouver Island,
in beautiful British Columbia!.
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From: Darryl Hartwig <darrylh@powerup.com.au>
Date: 02.12.1998, 21:06:42
Subject: Re: Refonting a whole document
Hello Bob
On 30-Nov-98, Bob Chappell wrote:
> P.S. The Styles feature of Final Writer is very useful for anyone who
> hasn't tried it.
Very useful for those who have tried too!
<sb>Darryl Hartwig
<sb>Buccan, QLD
<sb>BTW, the Amiga is back for the future!
<sb>Member of USANA
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From: Bob Arceneaux <bobax@acadiacom.net>
Date: 02.12.1998, 22:48:15
Subject: Re: Refonting a whole document
Hi, Peter, on 30-Nov-98 you wrote:
> DJNick <djnick@vanet.co.yu> wrote:
>> Hello Peter
>>> I have FW97 and I cannot see any way to change the font in a document
>>> without drag-selecting the entire thing. This is ridiculous if there
>>> are more than a few pages involved. Am I missing something?
>> Hmm. I don't know for better way than select whole document with
>> <Right Amiga> + <A> and then change it all... Any better ideas??
> I asked my question badly. I am trying to use Types, and I have defined
> Document Title as NC_Schoolbook size 14 and Body as NC_Schoolbook size 11.
> When I try Change Type and try to change the Body type to, say, Courier
> then the Document Title changes also to Courier. The only way to change
> just the Body type seems to be to drag-select the whole body and then
> change font.
About the only way I know of to do what you want to do is to go the "Select
All" route, change to the new font, then go back and change the title back to
NC_Schoolbook/14. Wouldn't that be easier than drag-selecting the entire
<tsb> Bob Arceneaux - *Team AMIGA*
<sb> Mandeville, Louisiana, USA
<sb> /You know you're a redneck if/
<tsb> *You let your twelve-year-old daughter smoke at*
<tsb> * the dinner table in front of her kids.*
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From: Juergen Mueller <Mueller-J@t-online.de>
Date: 03.12.1998, 18:02:11
Subject: Re: Refonting a whole document
On 01-Dez-98, Bruce Moi wrote:
>Put your cursor at the first point you want selected. Leave it there
>and use
>your scroll side bar slider to move down (or up as the case may be)
>until you
>see your desired end point. Now hold down the shift key and click
>the the
>farthest point you want to highlight. Done!.
I've tried that. It's the best way. Thanks for the tip too. :-)
MfG Juergen Mueller
| A1500 Infinitiv Blizzard1230-IV 68882/50 2MB Chip 32MB Fast |
| 4.3 GB HD 4x CD-ROM |
| PowerMO 230II 33.6 Modem HP LJ 6L |
| CD32+SX32PRO 030/50 2MB Chip 16MB Fast 240MB HD |
| |
| Mueller-J@t-online.de *Team AMIGA* |
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From: Peter Mielke <ptm@portal.ca>
Date: 08.12.1998, 09:12:10
Subject: Re: em dashes
Thanks for using NetForward!
Mark A. Dekeyser <madsci@sentex.net> wrote:
>Yes FW97 can produce em-dashes. I have used this feature many times.
>It's 'alt n' or 'alt m'. Try it - you'll like it.
Thanks, Mark, Alt+n is the trick. I found it afterwards in appendix E
in the manual.
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From: Peter Mielke <ptm@portal.ca>
Date: 08.12.1998, 09:21:27
Subject: Re: em dashes, etc
Thanks for using NetForward!
Herbert Wollman <hwollman@mediaone.net> wrote:
>Peter Mielke wrote:
>> Does FW97 have any way of producing em- and en-dashes?
> Not really. However if you have the Symbol PostScript font, an emdash is
>character 190, and an endash is character 45 (the normal hyphen). In the
>Courier font, they are characters 208 and 45 respectively.
I don't know if I have the Symbol Postscript font. Probably not, I guess.
Courier is there of course, it came with FW, but I don't recall seeing how
to make characters with their numbers. I did find, in Appendix E, a list of
special characters which includes the em-dash which is Alt+n.
A hyphen can be used for an en-dash but I seem to recall (I'm going to have
to look it up again) that they are different in the spacing that connects them
to the text on either side. The hyphen is closely connected but the en-dash
has a slight spacing. This isn't important to me, however; it was the em-
dash that I was specially looking for.
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From: Peter Mielke <ptm@portal.ca>
Date: 08.12.1998, 09:24:44
Subject: Re: Refonting a whole document
Thanks for using NetForward!
Heiko Schröder <age@thepentagon.com> wrote:
>I believe, the problem is: The Title style tag is an part of the Body style
>tag. If you change the Body style, so autmatically the Title style tag will be
>I believe you have the following tags:
>Body: NC_Schoolbook size 11
>Title: as Body, but size 14
>You have to change your style tag to:
>Title: NC_Schoolbook size 11
> and then you can change the body style without changing the Title style.
Yes, thanks. I see the importance of 'based on' now.
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From: Peter Mielke <ptm@portal.ca>
Date: 08.12.1998, 09:29:55
Subject: Re: Refonting a whole document
Thanks for using NetForward!
Bruce Moi <b_moi@bc.sympatico.ca> wrote:
>I havn't looked into changing defined Types but no one seems to have mentioned
>a easy way to highlight just the exact text you want without selecting all of
>the text on the page or drag selecting specific text!.
>Put your cursor at the first point you want selected. Leave it there and use
>your scroll side bar slider to move down (or up as the case may be) until you
>see your desired end point. Now hold down the shift key and click onto the the
>farthest point you want to highlight. Done!.
Excellent shortcut!
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From: Peter Mielke <ptm@portal.ca>
Date: 11.12.1998, 19:04:39
Subject: Getting from FW97 to a publisher...what works?
Thanks for using NetForward!
Before I go asking publishers who may not have dealt with an Amiga
platform what sort of disks and file format they can accept, does
anyone know of a what does work? It sounds as if Postscript is a
universal language but I am unsure about file formats and don't
know exactly how to think about them or what to ask.
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From: Mark Marques <I2683@www2.uportu.pt>
Date: 11.12.1998, 21:09:27
Subject: FW and Epson driver Problems
Thanks for using NetForward!
I have a problem regarding Fw and EpsonP2 driver ...
Each time I try to print in Epson Stylus color It print right but for each
printed leaf another one is pulled in...
this problem is not regarded with the driver as if I try to print from
another program even directly it works without that specific problem...
What can I do to solve it ?
each time I have to print a long Text I have to check if I have the double
number of the required leafs ...
Does anyone suffer from the same problem ?
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From: Matthew W. Brown <mandlebro@worldnet.att.net>
Date: 12.12.1998, 07:52:03
Subject: Re: FW and Epson driver Problems
Thanks for using NetForward!
Hi Mark,
I seem to remember such a problem, long ago on my system. If I remember
correctly, try changing the Workbench:Prefs/Printer options. I think you may
need to adjust the Page Length in Lines to a smaller number, only by a few
lines. Hope that helps, but no guarantees.
Matt Brown
On 11-Dec-98, Mark Marques wrote:
> I have a problem regarding Fw and EpsonP2 driver ...
> Each time I try to print in Epson Stylus color It print right but for each
> printed leaf another one is pulled in...
> this problem is not regarded with the driver as if I try to print from
> another program even directly it works without that specific problem...
> What can I do to solve it ?
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> Visit the Final Writer website at http://surf.to/finalwriter
You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
-- Thoreau
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From: Richard Mattsson <richard@cloudnet.com>
Date: 12.12.1998, 09:01:39
Subject: Re: Getting from FW97 to a publisher...what works?
Thanks for using NetForward!
On 11-Dec-98, Peter Mielke wrote:
> Before I go asking publishers who may not have dealt with an Amiga
> platform what sort of disks and file format they can accept, does
> anyone know of a what does work? It sounds as if Postscript is a
> universal language but I am unsure about file formats and don't
> know exactly how to think about them or what to ask.
Hi, Peter!
I'm not sure about approaching a publisher or pre-press facility, but I
thought it might be helpful to share my experience with printing
Postscript files on networked clones.
After using Print to File in FW (being sure Fonts are included - can't
remember what option was required) I simply copied the file to an MS-DOS
On the PC I wanted to print from, I found that nothing would allow me to
print or load a PostScript file under Windows (AFAIK.) It seems
necessary to run an MS-DOS 'window' or task, and use the 'COPY' command.
(I had once made the 'PRINT' command work, but often it doesn't, perhaps
because of network setup...)
I'd have to test this for syntax, but I think I had to use:
assuming FILENAME.PS is your file on a floppy disk, and LPT1: is the
printer you want to use. (I just use the .PS extension as an identifier
- it isn't required.)
Basically, just copying the file to the proper printer port would work
for printing to a networked laser printer.
Sorry this doesn't really address your question, but I think it might be
reasonable to think you should be able to supply a plain-vanilla
PostScript file and they should be able to send it to their
image-setter. There may be issues involved in various levels of
PostScript language, and it's very possible some shops will refuse to
help you unless you supply a Quark or Pagemaker or FrameMaker file.
(This may not be entirely stupid - it might be helpful to 'fix' a
client's work sometimes if the output is coming out wrong.)
I visited one place a couple of years ago which still preferred clients
use Macintosh DTP programs and Mac file format because of many problems
with PC files. (Basically, they put all PC jobs on the 'back burner'
because they *expected* problems...)
Anyway, I'd be curious to hear more about this, because I might try this
myself one of these days.
/\\ //\ Audio Video Art Richard Mattsson
/--\\//--\ Team *AMIGA* richard@cloudnet.com
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From: Johann Samlowski <samlo@olympus.net>
Date: 12.12.1998, 10:21:18
Subject: RE: FW and Epson driver Problems
Thanks for using NetForward!
On Fri, Dec 11, 1998, at 09:09 PM, Mark Marques wrote:
> Thanks for using NetForward!
> http://www.netforward.com
> v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v
> I have a problem regarding Fw and EpsonP2 driver ...
> Each time I try to print in Epson Stylus color It print right but for each
> printed leaf another one is pulled in...
> this problem is not regarded with the driver as if I try to print from
> another program even directly it works without that specific problem...
> What can I do to solve it ?
> each time I have to print a long Text I have to check if I have the double
> number of the required leafs ...
> Does anyone suffer from the same problem ?
Mark, let me give you an imcomplete answer. I recall faintly there was an
advise by Softwood, at a time they were still serving Amiga, to make a tool
type entry in FW. Something to the effect 'eject last page" or so. I have searched
my files but can not find the exact instruction. May be somebody else remembers
and knows more. Since I used a different print driver this point became moot.
Sorry I could not do better.
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From: Kimme Utsi <kimme@arcticnet.no>
Date: 12.12.1998, 12:08:43
Subject: Re: FW and Epson driver Problems
Thanks for using NetForward!
On the 11-Des-98 22:09:27, Mark Marques <I2683@www2.uportu.pt>,
wrote in "FW and Epson driver Problems"
> I have a problem regarding Fw and EpsonP2 driver ...
> Each time I try to print in Epson Stylus color It print right but for each
> printed leaf another one is pulled in... this problem is not regarded with
> the driver as if I try to print from another program even directly it
> works without that specific problem... What can I do to solve it ? each
> time I have to print a long Text I have to check if I have the double
> number of the required leafs ... Does anyone suffer from the same problem
> ?
I seem to have the same problem with FW '97 and my HP DeskJet 690C printer.
But here it only leaves one extra blank page at the end, but I haven't
gotten around to test my newly acquired printer with several color printouts
yet, but it ejects an extra blank page with only an single page here also.
Kimme Utsi, http://www.kimme.nu/ , 12-Dec-98 12:04:37 CET+1
Alliance, n.:
In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so
deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third.
-- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
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From: Warren Katchmar <Katchmar@ix.netcom.com>
Date: 12.12.1998, 19:43:04
Subject: Icons
Thanks for using NetForward!
I am wondering is there anyway to change the icons in Finalwriter? Where do
they live?
Warren T. Katchmar
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From: Dave Le Huray <dave@lehuray.freeserve.co.uk>
Date: 13.12.1998, 09:30:27
Subject: Re: FW and Epson driver Problems
Thanks for using NetForward!
Hi Mark Marques,
My apologies in advance for typing this slowly but I haven't learnt to
use more than one finger on each hand yet ;-)
However, on Fri, 11 Dec 1998 21:09:27 GMT you talked about FW and Epson driver Problems and said:
> I have a problem regarding Fw and EpsonP2 driver ...
> Each time I try to print in Epson Stylus color It print right but for each
> printed leaf another one is pulled in...
> Does anyone suffer from the same problem ?
Yes, I have the same problem, only I am using the HPDeskjet500C driver
on a Lexmark 1020 Colour printer through Turboprint 5. As with you it
is only FW that feeds the extra page and it happens everytime,
regardless of the settings that I use in TP5 :-(
A la prochaine
Dave Le Huray
Guernsey, Channel Islands
-- Member Team *AMIGA* --
Amiga Owner 8-), PC User 8-(
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From: chris rutter <chriscj@wave.co.nz>
Date: 13.12.1997, 11:17:46
Subject: Re: Getting from FW97 to a publisher...what works?
Thanks for using NetForward!
At 19:04 11/12/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Thanks for using NetForward!
>Before I go asking publishers who may not have dealt with an Amiga
>platform what sort of disks and file format they can accept, does
>anyone know of a what does work? It sounds as if Postscript is a
>universal language but I am unsure about file formats and don't
>know exactly how to think about them or what to ask.
Export to Postscipt is fine except that I have had trouble with the (FW)
Symbol font. Definitely doesn't download to the Postscipt file and Courier
is substituted with disastrous effects.
Symbol and perhaps dingbat type fonts need their Postscipt (type 1)
equivalents to be used (instead of FW Symbol font) . I used Ghostscript
(from Aminet ) to 'distill' the Postscipt file and check for errors.
Chris Rutter
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From: Bruce Moi <b_moi@bc.sympatico.ca>
Date: 13.12.1998, 11:24:38
Subject: Re: FW and Epson driver Problems
Thanks for using NetForward!
On 12-Dec-98, Mark Marques wrote:
>Thanks for using NetForward!
>I have a problem regarding Fw and EpsonP2 driver ...
>Each time I try to print in Epson Stylus color It print right but for each
>printed leaf another one is pulled in...
>this problem is not regarded with the driver as if I try to print from
>another program even directly it works without that specific problem...
>What can I do to solve it ?
>each time I have to print a long Text I have to check if I have the double
>number of the required leafs ...
>Does anyone suffer from the same problem ?
Your print area or page type may not be configured properly. Make sure that in
the Layout menu under page setup that inkjet is selected and sheet fed is also
selected. Check your page size as well. Your solution should be in this area
somewhere!. As a last resort mybe try setting a custom page size.
Best of luck! ¦>)
Greetings from Comox,
on Vancouver Island,
in beautiful British Columbia!.
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From: Herbert Wollman <hwollman@mediaone.net>
Date: 14.12.1998, 01:04:38
Subject: Re: Getting from FW97 to a publisher...what works?
Thanks for using NetForward!
chris rutter wrote:
> Export to Postscipt is fine except that I have had trouble with the (FW)
> Symbol font. Definitely doesn't download to the Postscipt file and Courier
> is substituted with disastrous effects.
> Symbol and perhaps dingbat type fonts need their Postscipt (type 1)
> equivalents to be used (instead of FW Symbol font) . I used Ghostscript
> (from Aminet ) to 'distill' the Postscipt file and check for errors.
> Chris Rutter
> ----
Every PostScript printer I have ever seen has at least the 13 "standard"fonts
in ROM. These are Symbol, and the normal, italic, bold, and bold-italic
versions of Courier, Helvetica, and Times Roman. Therefore FW never bothers
to include these fonts. Of course if you use either Post on the Amiga, or
Ghostscript on any platform, you DO need these fonts on disk.
Herbert Wollman
home - hwollman@mediaone.net
work - hwollman@mitre.org
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From: Andrew Bruno <abruno@zeta.org.au>
Date: 15.12.1998, 14:42:21
Subject: Help with landscape printing and AREXX
Thanks for using NetForward!
Well, I need some help.
From the title, it is to do with printing sideways and AREXX.
I need a script to make a document, and print it sideways.
Well, the paper is JUST too wide to print normal, and so has to be printed
The main part of the script is already written and I may release it for
general distribution later.
Just I need to have an option that when it prints, it does so sideways.
Andrew Bruno
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From: chris rutter <chriscj@wave.co.nz>
Date: 16.12.1998, 15:02:06
Subject: Re: Getting from FW97 to a publisher...what works?
Thanks for using NetForward!
At 01:04 14/12/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Thanks for using NetForward!
>chris rutter wrote:
>> Export to Postscipt is fine except that I have had trouble with the (FW)
>> Symbol font. Definitely doesn't download to the Postscipt file and Courier
>> is substituted with disastrous effects.
>> Symbol and perhaps dingbat type fonts need their Postscipt (type 1)
>> equivalents to be used (instead of FW Symbol font) . I used Ghostscript
>> (from Aminet ) to 'distill' the Postscipt file and check for errors.
>> Chris Rutter
>> ----
>Every PostScript printer I have ever seen has at least the 13 "standard"fonts
>in ROM. These are Symbol, and the normal, italic, bold, and bold-italic
>versions of Courier, Helvetica, and Times Roman. Therefore FW never bothers
>to include these fonts. Of course if you use either Post on the Amiga, or
>Ghostscript on any platform, you DO need these fonts on disk.
Exactly! The problem being that the mapping of characters in the FW symbol
font is inconsistent with the PS printer's symbol font. For instance, all my
square root symbols came out as the divide sign symbol.
I also used the Amiga CG font because it has a nice 'half' symbol. This too
was screwed up, and yet I would have thought that FW would download the CG
font to the PS printer. I strongly feel that FW screws up font download for
ASCII characters > 96 ie those often accessed with the ALT key on the amiga
>Herbert Wollman
>home - hwollman@mediaone.net
>work - hwollman@mitre.org
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>Visit the Final Writer website at http://surf.to/finalwriter
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From: Warren Katchmar <Katchmar@ix.netcom.com>
Date: 16.12.1998, 15:56:25
Subject: Re: FW and Epson driver Problems
Thanks for using NetForward!
Hello Dave
You may want to try the tool in the FinalWriter icon OLDPAGEEJECT. It seems to me that is
suppose to help with extra page. I am not sure it suppose to on or off. I
guess try it the other way than what you now have.
DLH> Does anyone suffer from the same problem ?
DLH Yes, I have the same problem, only I am using the HPDeskjet500C driver
DLH on a Lexmark 1020 Colour printer through Turboprint 5. As with you it
DLH is only FW that feeds the extra page and it happens everytime,
DLH regardless of the settings that I use in TP5 :-(
Warren T. Katchmar
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From: Ken Weaver <kweaver@iul-ccs.com>
Date: 19.12.1998, 15:34:14
Subject: CD Cover Template
Thanks for using NetForward!
Hello All,
Is there a template for creating CD jewel case covers for front and
back covers plus spine. I'm presently using FW97 with TP6 and Epson
Sylus Color 600.
Ken Weaver
EMail: kweaver@iul-ccs.com
Amiga Users of Calgary Society - AMUC
Team Amiga
A3000 PP&S 040 35MHz, 22 Meg Ram, IOmega ZIP, PIV Cgx Card,
MFCIII, CDROM, Dell HD, 3.1 OS, TP6, EpsonColorStylus 600
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From: Maurice Maissan <mauma@xs4all.nl>
Date: 20.12.1998, 11:50:02
Subject: Future
Thanks for using NetForward!
What is happening with FinalWriter, will there be a new version
I can nothing find on the internet
Kind regards
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From: John Bracey <jbbj@iwaynet.net>
Date: 20.12.1998, 23:33:00
Subject: Help ! Line splitting !
Thanks for using NetForward!
I have a A1200,020,4Meg expanded, 1.6G HD, using FW, Super
DJ2,and HP550C printer original system. This
combonation worked successfully for 3+ years. Then one day
I tried to print my resume and IT happened. Several lines
split vertically. That is the top of the letters on the line
print , a vertical space of 1/4 inch then the bottom of the
I could change density and threshold to vary the number of
skips. I could move text around to aviod the split lines.
Using b/w versus color had no effect.
printing pictures, FW graphics, or plain text had no effect.
I reload FW and SuperDJC2 with no effect!
Other programs (DPaint, IBrowse, GPFax, ect) had no problems.
If I used draft mode in FW it worked fine also. Interestingly
I could save as ASCII and copy to PRT: to print plain text.
Printing from FW to GPFax and printing the fax kept the format
but looked like a fax.
I upgraded my system to 32M, 060, and FW97(new in box) thinking
surely the problem has been fixed :( Sadly no. Does anyone
have any suggestions ??
Thank You in advance!
John Bracey
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"unsubscribe finalwriter" in the message-body. To get help, send "help".
Visit the Final Writer website at http://surf.to/finalwriter
From: Manuel Lemos <mlemos@acm.org>
Date: 21.12.1998, 02:10:08
Subject: NEW PROJECT: International spelling correctors for FinalWriter
Thanks for using NetForward!
For a long time I have been thinking of a way to make FinalWriter use
(often in public domain) ISpell dictionaries to make it be able to correct
spelling in many languages that are not supported built-in.
I beleive there is a Amiga port of with an ARexx port, so the project would
not be hard to achieve. Although the idea is not hard to implement in
ARexx, I don't have much time to do it all by myself.
I would like to call for people with ARexx skills, specially with
FinalWriter, that would be interested to develop a free spelling
checker/corrector for FinalWriter.
Please mail me privately telling about your experience so we can gather a
team and start working on this project. If you have some experience in C
programming too, that would be great because we might need to patch a more
recent version of ISpell to add it a proper ARexx port.
For those that don't know me, I used to work for Softwood in FinalWriter 5.
I implemented RTF and HTML filters. Although I no longer live from any
Amiga developments, I am still attached to it, like the rest of us. :-)
I also have taken over the development of BGUI - The Amiga BOOPSI GUI. I
have setup a Web based developer environment with a great online Bug
Database report/track system. There is also a CVS server (for those that
know what it is) that can be used to look at the source online. See
http://www.bgui.e-na.net/ for more information.
Manuel Lemos
E-mail: mlemos@acm.org
URL: http://www.e-na.net/the_author.html
PGP key: finger://mlemos@zeus.ci.ua.pt
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"unsubscribe finalwriter" in the message-body. To get help, send "help".
Visit the Final Writer website at http://surf.to/finalwriter
From: B. Horton <bhorton@hubserv.com>
Date: 21.12.1998, 17:26:31
Subject: Re: Help ! Line splitting !
Thanks for using NetForward!
Hello John,
On 20-Dec-98, John Bracey wrote:
> I have a A1200,020,4Meg expanded, 1.6G HD, using FW, Super
> DJ2,and HP550C printer original system. This
> combonation worked successfully for 3+ years. Then one day
> I tried to print my resume and IT happened. Several lines
> split vertically. That is the top of the letters on the line
> print , a vertical space of 1/4 inch then the bottom of the
> line.
> I could change density and threshold to vary the number of
> skips. I could move text around to aviod the split lines.
> Using b/w versus color had no effect.
> printing pictures, FW graphics, or plain text had no effect.
> I reload FW and SuperDJC2 with no effect!
> Other programs (DPaint, IBrowse, GPFax, ect) had no problems.
> If I used draft mode in FW it worked fine also.
Draft only does a text dump to the printer using printer fonts.
> I could save as ASCII and copy to PRT: to print plain text.
Same thing as above.
> Printing from FW to GPFax and printing the fax kept the format
> but looked like a fax.
> I upgraded my system to 32M, 060, and FW97(new in box) thinking
> surely the problem has been fixed :( Sadly no. Does anyone
> have any suggestions ??
It sounds like a printer driver problem to me, like the driver is
interpreting some of the FW output as paper advances. Try using some of the
OS drivers; I know it won't be as good or as fast, but at least it should
narrow it down if the driver you're using is kooky.
Let us know if that helps.
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"unsubscribe finalwriter" in the message-body. To get help, send "help".
Visit the Final Writer website at http://surf.to/finalwriter
From: B. Horton <bhorton@hubserv.com>
Date: 21.12.1998, 17:30:59
Subject: Re: NEW PROJECT: International spelling correctors for FinalWriter
Thanks for using NetForward!
Hello Manuel,
On 20-Dec-98, Manuel Lemos wrote:
> For those that don't know me, I used to work for Softwood in FinalWriter
> I implemented RTF and HTML filters. Although I no longer live from any
> Amiga developments, I am still attached to it, like the rest of us. :-)
I knew that name looked familiar when it came up on my mailer!
I know zilch about anything you need help with, but good luck with it. I
just wanted to say hi to one of the FW programmers.
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"unsubscribe finalwriter" in the message-body. To get help, send "help".
Visit the Final Writer website at http://surf.to/finalwriter
From: Dirk Neubauer <dirk.neubauer@guestrow.netsurf.de>
Date: 21.12.1998, 22:58:46
Subject: Re: Help ! Line splitting !
Thanks for using NetForward!
Hi John!
On 21-Dez-98, you wrote:
> combonation worked successfully for 3+ years. Then one day
> I tried to print my resume and IT happened. Several lines
> split vertically. That is the top of the letters on the line
> print , a vertical space of 1/4 inch then the bottom of the
> line.
The same problem occurs long time ago by a friend of mine with A1220 and
FW3 for a Canon BJC4100.
We couldn't solve the problem. Then we have completely removed all FW files
from hd, powered off his machine and installed FW (booted from disks). Now
it works fine long time.
But i don't know what happens therefore, sorry. It doesn't happen on every
- Dirk
Ich wünsche euch
I wish you
Þ åäêaý ñäàþ
ein wunderschönes weißes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch!!!
a real white Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year!!!
ïäaêûìòý àäêòý, éïaðçáòý Ïíåãäðñáò ç îíæãïaáêþý ð ìíáúë âíãíë!!!
Hey, Odo! Got anymore of that Jell-O in the fridge? Odo?
(o o)
| |
| |
|| ||
ooO Ooo
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"unsubscribe finalwriter" in the message-body. To get help, send "help".
Visit the Final Writer website at http://surf.to/finalwriter
From: DJNick <djnick@vanet.co.yu>
Date: 22.12.1998, 01:07:04
Subject: JPEG in FW97 crashes :(
Thanks for using NetForward!
Hi ppl.
I (think that I) was working something with FinalWriter97 files, so I can't load JPEG pictures in that
program anymore :( What I have done?
When try to import JPEG graphic, my Amiga crashes. Sometimes I got confuzed colours on the
screen and several seconds later, led diode starts flashing / Amiga crash :(
What on earth I did?
<tsb>D.J.Nick | D-Tronic, Sindjeliceva 11/8, 14000 Valjevo, Serbia (YU)
<tsb>Tel: +381 (0) 14 223 655 Email: DJNick@vanet.co.yu ICQ: 13794052
<tsb>Amiga1200T PPC 603e 040/25/200/50MB/2.1 GB&410 MB HDs/Sony 12X CDRom
<tsb>33.600 GVC Voice Fax Modem/Midi/GVP Dss 8+ Sampler/HP 6L & 3Button Meece
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"unsubscribe finalwriter" in the message-body. To get help, send "help".
Visit the Final Writer website at http://surf.to/finalwriter
From: ROBERT MEYERS <meyersrl@songs.sce.com>
Date: 22.12.1998, 07:24:38
Subject: Re: Help ! Line splitting !
Thanks for using NetForward!
Try and think back to ANYTHING you might have done
that day, or the night before. Especially to
Workbench prefs settings.
Also, you might try a different printer driver.
There are at least three shareware ones available on
Aminet. Try them all. I currently use the Studio
Printer II suite (a commercial package of printer
drivers) . You might also try Turboprint 6.0 (another
commercial package).
Another suggestion is to carefully check your
cabling. There may be noise, or a poor connection at
one or two pins. Printing ASCII involves WAY less
data transfer than letter quality or image printing.
That may be why draft mode works but letter quality
has problems.
Good luck,
Bob Meyers
I have a A1200,020,4Meg expanded, 1.6G HD, using FW, Super
DJ2,and HP550C printer original system. This
combonation worked successfully for 3+ years. Then one day
I tried to print my resume and IT happened. Several lines
split vertically. That is the top of the letters on the line
print , a vertical space of 1/4 inch then the bottom of the
I could change density and threshold to vary the number of
skips. I could move text around to aviod the split lines.
Using b/w versus color had no effect.
printing pictures, FW graphics, or plain text had no effect.
I reload FW and SuperDJC2 with no effect!
Other programs (DPaint, IBrowse, GPFax, ect) had no problems.
If I used draft mode in FW it worked fine also. Interestingly
I could save as ASCII and copy to PRT: to print plain text.
Printing from FW to GPFax and printing the fax kept the format
but looked like a fax.
I upgraded my system to 32M, 060, and FW97(new in box) thinking
surely the problem has been fixed :( Sadly no. Does anyone
have any suggestions ??
Thank You in advance!
John Bracey
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"unsubscribe finalwriter" in the message-body. To get help, send "help".
Visit the Final Writer website at http://surf.to/finalwriter
From: Horemans Eddy <eddyhor@glo.be>
Date: 22.12.1998, 08:29:23
Subject: Re: Help ! Line splitting !
Thanks for using NetForward!
Hallo John,
Your preferences Layout/Page/width are to "wide". Make it smaller and the
printing will be OK.
If you want the maximum width make the "width" a tiny bit smaller and so on
untill the printing is ok.
>Thanks for using NetForward!
>I have a A1200,020,4Meg expanded, 1.6G HD, using FW, Super
>DJ2,and HP550C printer original system. This
>combonation worked successfully for 3+ years. Then one day
>I tried to print my resume and IT happened. Several lines
>split vertically. That is the top of the letters on the line
>print , a vertical space of 1/4 inch then the bottom of the
>I could change density and threshold to vary the number of
>skips. I could move text around to aviod the split lines.
>Using b/w versus color had no effect.
>printing pictures, FW graphics, or plain text had no effect.
>I reload FW and SuperDJC2 with no effect!
>Other programs (DPaint, IBrowse, GPFax, ect) had no problems.
>If I used draft mode in FW it worked fine also. Interestingly
>I could save as ASCII and copy to PRT: to print plain text.
>Printing from FW to GPFax and printing the fax kept the format
>but looked like a fax.
>I upgraded my system to 32M, 060, and FW97(new in box) thinking
>surely the problem has been fixed :( Sadly no. Does anyone
>have any suggestions ??
>Thank You in advance!
>John Bracey
>to unsubscribe from fwml, send mail to "fwml_admin@thepentagon.com" with
>"unsubscribe finalwriter" in the message-body. To get help, send "help".
>Visit the Final Writer website at http://surf.to/finalwriter
<tsb>Eddy Horemans
<tsb>E-mail : eddyhor@glo.be
<tsb>Ik hou het meeste van mijn vrouw
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"unsubscribe finalwriter" in the message-body. To get help, send "help".
Visit the Final Writer website at http://surf.to/finalwriter
From: Tony Faubus <tfaubus@worldnetla.net>
Date: 24.12.1998, 09:57:38
Subject: Re: JPEG in FW97 crashes :(
Thanks for using NetForward!
Hello DJNick
On 21-Dec-98, DJNick wrote:
> Thanks for using NetForward!
> http://www.netforward.com
> v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v
> Hi ppl.
> I (think that I) was working something with FinalWriter97 files, so I
> load JPEG pictures in that program anymore :( What I have done?
> When try to import JPEG graphic, my Amiga crashes. Sometimes I got
> colours on the screen and several seconds later, led diode starts
> / Amiga crash :(
> What on earth I did?
> Regards
Mine did the same thing exactly. No setting changes or reinstall could fix
it for me so I d/l'd finaldt from aminet.
Its an AREXX prg that will import pic files using datatypes
Until next time,
Tony Faubus, Leesville, LA, USA
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Visit the Final Writer website at http://surf.to/finalwriter
From: Joseph Shaughnessy <serendip@freewwweb.com>
Date: 24.12.1998, 13:30:05
Subject: Re: Help ! Line splitting !
Thanks for using NetForward!
Lurking becomes tiresome, or I'm annoyed, or bored, or whatever... I reply:
> I have a A1200,020,4Meg expanded, 1.6G HD, using FW, Super
> DJ2,and HP550C printer original system. This
> combonation worked successfully for 3+ years. Then one day
> I tried to print my resume and IT happened. Several lines
> split vertically. That is the top of the letters on the line
> print , a vertical space of 1/4 inch then the bottom of the
> line.
> Thank You in advance!
> John Bracey
Had a similar problem years ago. This may or may not help. It seems that FW
chokes on margin settings that are two small and then sends print info to the
printer that ends up with the top part of a line offset from the bottom half
of a line. It happens about every 15 lines or so. The cyure is to adjust your
margins to at least 3/4". Only one margin causes this problem (left or right,
I don't remember). If you are trying to fit too much on a page by adjusting
the margins, you will get this problem. I seem to recall that it was the
right margin for values less than 3/4".
Best Regards,
Joe Shaughnessy #*SHAG*# // serendip@spamfree.freewwweb.com
Nevertheless, I'd rather use an Amiga
MS-compatible Mouse not found. Press left Button to continue!
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Visit the Final Writer website at http://surf.to/finalwriter
From: Patryk Ostoja <guevara@vossnet.de>
Date: 27.12.1998, 17:47:04
Subject: Re: JPEG in FW97 crashes :(
Thanks for using NetForward!
Hello Tony
Hello DJNick
On 21-Dec-98, DJNick wrote:
> Thanks for using NetForward!
> #http://www.netforward.com#
> v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v
> Hi ppl.
> I (think that I) was working something with FinalWriter97 files, so I
> load JPEG pictures in that program anymore :( What I have done?
> When try to import JPEG graphic, my Amiga crashes. Sometimes I got
> colours on the screen and several seconds later, led diode starts
> / Amiga crash :(
> What on earth I did?
> Regards
Mine did the same thing exactly. No setting changes or reinstall could fix
it for me so I d/l'd finaldt from aminet.
Its an AREXX prg that will import pic files using datatypes
Until next time,
Yes, i have installed finaldt, too. It`s works fine untill i have installed
CGFX3 and Pic43dt. Now i have always a black squere. But it`s doesn`t
matter, because the Pics from FinalDt were always 5x5 cm big, now a convert
the Pics in IFF and i have a better quality.
<sb>*Patryk Ostoja*
<sb>Amiga 1200 RBMTower PPC 060/50/603e+/240
<sb>one Processor is *faster than *Pentium II 350 ;-)
<sb>BVision/66MB/3.4 GB HD/2 x CD-Rom Drives/Teac CDW
<sb>V.90 Modem/Mustek 1200 SP Scanner/VGA Monitor
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From: Andrew Bruno <abruno@zeta.org.au>
Date: 31.12.1998, 10:50:29
Subject: Hello?
Thanks for using NetForward!
This is the second posting of the question....
I didn't get a reply from the first one, will it happen again?
I need an AREXX script to make a document, and print it sideways.
Well, the paper is JUST too wide to print normal, and so has to be printed
The main part of the script is already written and I may release it for
general distribution later.
Just I need to have an option that when it prints, it does so sideways.
Andrew Bruno
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